Shantelle Pillay
Shantelle comes with a wealth of administrative experience and adds enormous value to the company . She is responsible for the accounts as well as all administration functions
Calvin Pillay
Calvin brings in extensive knowledge and insight into the car world. Coupled with his experience of over two decades in the motor industry , he brings truth to the slogan “Impossible is Nothing”
Mentored and guided in the industry during this time, he is committed to Service Excellence. He has vowed to ensure all clients are given the highest service standards at all times.
Bernard Seme
Bernard has also been in the motor industry for over 30 year, worked with various motor dealers and has been highly recommended for his trustworthiness and his presentation. He contributes to the efficiency of CAZ Licensing by assisting with driving to various licensing offices.
A team of talented employees who work smart to deliver the best results in accordance with each client’s specifications and requirements.